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总而言之英文-听美剧学英语21期:It says the wrong message to our kids

日期:2020-01-31 06:24:14

Hello,这里是地道英语,我是W!今天这个视频来自Desperate Housewives的第一季第6集。Lynette的双胞胎来到新的学校Barcliff Academy,学校组织学生们演出经典童话故事《小红帽》。Lynette也加入了家长协会帮助学校组织演出,但是貌似她跟家长协会的代表Maisy相处的并不是很愉快。快来跟W一起看看里面地道的英语表达吧!

MS. TUESDALE: I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood, and it is your involvement that make the plays here at Barcliff Academy so special. Thank you. And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting to our parent coordinator, the amazing Maisy Gibbons. 我认为这将会是一版非常棒的《小红帽》,正是你们的加入才使Barcliffe 学校的演出如此特别,谢谢你们。现在,下一部分的会议就交给我们的家长代表,了不起的 Maisy Givens。version: 版本 Little Red Riding Hood: 小红帽 riding: 骑马 hood: 头巾 involvement: 参与,加入 play: 剧本、戏剧 special: 特别的 turn over: 移交 coordinator: 同等重要的人,协调者 amazing: 令人惊异的

MAISY: Thank you, Ms. Truesdale. Now, before everyone leaves, we have new copies of the script up here. Tilda and Francis and I went to the rehearsal yesterday, and we were a little troubled by the ending. Killing the wolf. It says the wrong message to our kids. And we believe that animals should only be euthanized as a last resort.谢谢你,Tristan女士。在你们离开之前,我们有新剧本的复印件在这里。Tilda,Francis和我昨天去看了彩排,我们觉得结局有点问题。杀死大灰狼,这样会误导我们的孩子们。我们认为把动物安乐死是最差的选择。copy: 复印、副本 script: 原稿 rehearsal: 排练、彩排 troubled: 困惑的 ending: 结尾,结局 kill: 杀死 wolf: 狼 message: 消息、信息 believe: 认为,想 animal: 动物 euthanize: 使安乐死 resort: 手段

MAISY: Do you find something amusing? 你觉得有什么可笑的吗?amusing: 有趣的、引人发笑的

LYNETTE: I'm sorry, I thought you were kidding. 对不起,我以为你在开玩笑。kid: 小孩子;开玩笑

MAISY: No. 没有。

LYNETTE: Oh, okay. 哦,没事。

MAISY: So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw. And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way. 所以在我们这个剧本里,这只狼具有攻击性是因为它的爪子里有个刺。樵夫会把刺拿出来,然后放它走。aggressive: 有攻击性的 thorn: 刺 paw: 爪子 woodsman: 樵夫 send...away: 放走…

MAISY: Do you find something amusing? 你觉得有什么可笑的吗?amusing: 有趣的、引人发笑的

LYNETTE: I'm sorry, I thought you were kidding. 对不起,我以为你在开玩笑。kid: 小孩子;开玩笑

MAISY: No. 没有。

LYNETTE: Oh, okay. 哦,没事。

MAISY: So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw. And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way. 所以在我们这个剧本里,这只狼具有攻击性是因为它的爪子里有个刺。樵夫会把刺拿出来,然后放它走。aggressive: 有攻击性的 thorn: 刺 paw: 爪子 woodsman: 樵夫 send...away: 放走…

MAISY: I'm sorry, and you are? 对不起,请问您是?

LYNETTE: I'm Lynette Scavo. My twins just joined. They're playing oak trees. 我是Lynette Scavo,我的双胞胎刚刚参加了,他们出演橡树。twins: 双胞胎 joined: 加入、参加 oak: 橡树

MAISY: Oh, of course. Lynette. Let's see, you are ... signed up to take tickets the night of the show, is that right? 当然,Lynette,我看看,你报名负责演出当晚收票,是吗? sign up: 签字参加 ticket: 票、卷

LYNETTE: Yeah. 是的。

MAISY: Well, with all due respect, let's leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we? 恕我直言,让我们让我们把这些有创造性的意见留给那些承担了重任的妈妈,好吗?with all due respect: 尽管(对您)尊敬之至 due: 应得的 respect: 尊敬 creative: 创造性的 suggestion: 建议 assume: 假定、承担 lifting: 举起

LYNETTE: Sure. Whatever. 好吧,随便你怎么说 whatever: 不管怎样



Little Red Riding Hood / script / troubled / kid / chow down / with all due respect
