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日期:2022-07-19 03:20:08






Lament over the Oblivion of Zhongyong

Wang Anshi

Fang Zhongyong, a Jinxi resident, has been farming for his entire life.

Although he had never been taught how to use a writing tool, one day at the age of five, he suddenly cried for one. Amazed, his father borrowed one from a neighbor. Instantly, he wrote down a four-line verse and signed it. The verse was something about supporting parents and improving clan relationships, which was circulated for viewing among all the scholars in the village. Ever since then, Zhongyong improvised verses on objects randomly picked, and his verses all showed literary talent and ingenuity in diction. Finding this peculiar, people in the county started to entertain his father with dinners or simply to pay for Zhongyong’s poems. Seeing the profits in this, every day, his father took him around in the country visiting people, but ignored his studies.

I heard this for a long time, but it was only after I returned to the county with my father in the year of Mingdao that I saw the boy in my uncle’s home. He was already twelve or thirteen years old by then, and the verses he wrote upon request did not attain to what was heard before. Seven years later, I came back home again from Yangzhou. Upon revisiting my uncle, I asked about the boy. “He is obscured as an ordinary person” was the reply!

Here is my comment: Zhongyong’s talent was innate. Although he enjoyed a natural gift far above most other talented people, he faded into an ordinary person because he didn’t receive enough education. If such a born talent would without education have wilted into ordinariness, then what about those ordinary people who do not have the innate talent nor receive education—just ordinary?(徐英才 译)



On Visiting Pine-Wind Pavilion1

Su Shi

I once took up lodgings at Jiayou Temple2 in Huizhou. One day I was taking a brisk walk under Pine-Wind Pavilion3 when my legs gave way under me. I had a strong urge to stop and rest there and then. Gazing at the pavilion still way up above the tip of trees, I thought how I could ever get there. A long time after this, I suddenly said to myself, “What’s stopping me from taking a rest here and now?” No sooner said than I felt like a fish having shaken free of a hook. If a person could be made to realize what I was aware of then, nothing could stop him from taking a good break even when a war was going on between two armies with drums thundering overhead and when going forward would mean death from the enemy’s swords and retracing one’s steps, death by law.

1. This essay was written in the 1st year of the Shaosheng reign (1094) when Su Shi was further banished to Huizhou.

2. Jiayou Temple: located at the south side of White Crane Peak in the southern bank of the Dongjiang River in Huizhou (today’s Huiyang, Guangdong Province).

3. Pine-Wind Pavilion was in the vicinity of Jiayou Temple.(任治稷 译)


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