
位置:云林新闻励志网 > 经典语录 > 瑜伽格言-十八条瑜伽箴言(组图)


日期:2020-04-01 11:07:33

(1)Asana make one firm, free from maladies, and light of limb.瑜伽姿势使人坚定,远离疾病并拥有轻盈的身体。

(2)When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still.当呼吸不稳定时,人的思想会游离不定;而当呼吸稳定时,人的意识也会坚定。

(3)Joy is eternal. It will never die; Sorrow is illusory. It will never live.快乐是永恒的,它永远不会消失;忧愁是虚幻的,它永远不会生存。

(4)Meditation is a continuous flow of perception or thought, like the flow of water in a river.冥想是一种思想和知识的延续,就像连绵不断的江河中的水波。

(5)Meditation,live sleep, cannot be taught—it comes by itself, in its own time.冥想,就像睡眠,不能教,它是自发的。

(6)As you know deep relaxation, you will feel your mind which grow clear and detached.当你学会深度放松的时候,你的思维将变得更加清晰和敏锐。

(7)Preach less—practice more; ask less—give more; worry less—smile more.少说多做,少索取多付出,少担忧多微笑。

(8)Anybody can practice Yoga. Yoga don't need special equipment or clothes—just a small amount of space and a strong desire for a healthier, more fulfilled life.任何人都能练习瑜伽,你不需要特殊的设备或者衣服,只需一个小小的地方和一个强烈的希望,就会有一个更加健康、充实的人生。

(9)When practicing yoga, people often feel severe pain, but you need to do is take a deep breath, put up with it and overcome it, yoga is actually a metaphor of life.练瑜伽的时候,人经常会感到痛苦难忍,但你需要做的只是深呼吸,忍受它然后克服它,瑜伽其实就是生活的暗喻。

(10)letting nature take its course, there are those willing to directly face the inevitable difficulties and challenges, is our deep-rooted love of nature, yoga is.顺其自然,有心甘情愿的直接面对那些无可避免的困难与挑战,爱是我们根深蒂固的天性,瑜伽也是。

(11)99% of the practice, 1% of the theory, this is yoga. 99%的练习,1%的理论,这才是瑜伽。

(12)Do not depend on style seems how, but depend on what you are feeling. The ruler's subject is convinced in your body and your breath , does not hurry , does not hurry again不在于体式看起来怎么样,而在于你感觉着什么。臣服于你的身体和你的呼吸,慢点,再慢点……

(13)Give self a little challenge every time, you energy little field make for is consummate.每次给自己一点点挑战,你就能一点点地走向完美。

(14)Yoga resembles music. Body's rhythm , the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing life's.瑜伽像音乐。身体的节奏,思想的步调,心灵的和声,构成生命的交响曲。

(15)Change brought to the individual attitude to life by be confident and happy the change in your acute feeling , body to the body of being able to come only is gigantic.自信和快乐可以仅仅来之于你对身体的敏锐感觉,身体的变化所带给个人对生活的态度的变化是巨大的。

(16)By the purity of food, follows the purification of the inner nature.吃纯净的食物,你的内心也会随之变得纯净起来。

(17)Thus being established in asana and having control of the body, taking a balanced died; pranayama should be practiced according to the instructions of the guru.请遵循瑜伽师的教导,用瑜伽姿势来塑造一个健康的体魄,建立一个平衡的饮食结构同时养成良好的呼吸习惯。

(18)Yoga is a science of breathing, is a science of health, is the oldest science of life.瑜伽是呼吸的科学,是健康的科学,是最古老的生活科学。
